Hello Grown Ups!

We know parenting is hard.
But you are your little ones’ first and best teachers!


We want to help

But before we can be helpful, we need to learn from you and create content that you and your children actually want.

Centered around core life-skills not taught in school (like money smarts for example), we are testing short-form episodic formats in videos, comic strips, Instagram-style stories, and AR as media platforms. And all specifically made for mobile device consumption. Performers and creators are all real world parents and children, with a little help from computer-generated baby goat siblings Lily & Gus and their friends.

We want to find out if they are helpful to parents, and fun for K-6 children. 

Based on research by leading educators, child psychologists, as well as values passed down by our own awesome parents, we aim to create memorable single-message episodic content.

Imagine Sesame Street made for our mobile era.

So put product manager thinking cap on, take a look at prototype content below with your kids, give us feedback, share with other parents and kids, and build this world with us!


Our focus wasn’t on high production value but on core messages and circumstances kids can relate to. Would your young family enjoy these together and discuss 10 minutes at a time? These were inspired by kids’ needing a growth mindset, and created with young parents and children 6 - 10 year olds.

Music Videos

Music Video: “Needs vs. Wants”

One of the most often ignored but critical life skill that’s not taught in school. As parents we have to teach money smarts to kids early and often, and create lifelong foundation with proper family values/philosophy associated with money. We thought we should start by making the topic memorable and fun for our children.

Standard Shorts

EPISODE. 5: “Mastering a skill - Perseverance and Dedication”

Try, try, and try again. You can and you will! :) Based on a 2nd grader’s often-met frustrations while learning something new, this episode was created to message to our kids that “nothing worth having comes easy.” All skills are mastered through hard work and focus - one of life’s most important fundamental values.

EPISODE. 4: “I can do it!”

Go for it. Based on a 3rd grader’s first-time participation in a regional “idol” contest, this episode was created to message to our kids the importance of trying, not being afraid to fail, persevering to succeed, and generally learning the basics to handle life’s challenges with humor and grace.

EPISODE. 3: “Summer camping! Joy of outdoors”

Called to action by constant fight over screen time, this episode was created to message to our kids the value of family outdoor activities - and why things like iPad, iPhone, Fortnite (!) are good only in moderation.

EPISODE. 1: “I’m trying to tell you something important!”

Speak clearly, choose words and body language thoughtfully. Called to action by circular (and loud) sibling fights, this was created to message the importance and impact of what/how kids say things.

EPISODE 0: “Hi! We are Lily and Gus!”

A bit about the fictional parallel world, and getting to know our two main characters inspired - and voiced - by two children 9 and 7.

Comic Strips

Our goal here was to focus even more into one single message/lesson. Would your young family enjoy and discuss these together 2 minutes at a time? These were driven by real-life events, and created with young parents and children 4 - 7 year olds.


Our goal here is to see if this format is better for you and your kids. Would your young family enjoy and discuss these together 2 minutes at a time? These were driven by real-life events, and created with young parents and children 5 - 8 year olds.

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About Us

We are dads, and startup veterans with a bit of cynicism towards the industry PR/battlecry of “making the world a better place.” While we were busy err… changing the world, we realized we were neglecting what needs to happen before anything else - making the home a better place, and helping our kids become great human beings.

As we started to teach our kids core values and life skills, we noticed a problem: There was no trustworthy and reliable content to help get our messages across to our kids - especially without boring them into stupor. Instead, we have a bunch of noise, discord, contradicting information, and generally dangerous content readily available to our kids everywhere…

Our own parents relied on trusted IP and content on dominant platform of their time - TV. While they weren’t perfect, Sesame Street, Mr.Rogers, and even Barney had good intentions and good lessons we enjoyed taking in through play, songs, dance, and community. We want to create something that’s as helpful, update the values and lessons to align with modern parenting, and bring them onto our current and future platforms - mobile and AR.

We hope you join us, help each other, and build together.


Build LittleGreats with us!

Let’s talk, and create something helpful to all young families together :)

We NEVER share your information with anyone. We are starting a business based on trust, and we truly value our relationships.

Your email is going to two dads and no one else.

“ A young (ish), discombobulated dads got tired of lecturing their kids.  So they created new kids - baby goats! ”

(See what they did there? Yes, baby goats are called kids… Very clever haha. I give them A- for this).

Lily, Gus, family, and friends are humanoid animals that live parallel lives in the world around young parents and children. They are looking to help teach core life skills in fun ways. I’m pulling for them as an educator, a partner in the journey, and as a fellow parent.

- Mrs. Wallender (elementary school teacher)